Saturday, August 31, 2019
Musical Influence on Drug Abuse
Musical Influence on Substance Abuse English 1302 Professor Young Sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. This commonly used phrase sums it up pretty well. It seems as though anytime I hear anything about a rock band, especially from the 1970’s or 1980’s there is some sort of drug abuse somewhere along the line with at least one or more of the band members, and this will usually result in the break up of the band or the death of a member.Well I started getting sick of rock music getting a bad wrap when it comes to drugs and heavy drinking, so I want to know, does the music preference or type of music a band or person play have a direct link to the type of drug they prefer to use? Did that music cause the individual to use these certain drugs, or are people that already use these substances drawn to a certain type of music? There are any questions to be asked when looking at the different music genres and the people involved with its drug of choice.Is crack and cocaine a pro blem in the ghetto’s because of rap music, or are these drugs in rap music because they were already prevalent in the ghetto’s? Do people take hallucinogenic drugs because it enhances the repetitive music they listen to, or are people getting into these type of drugs and then being drawn to that type of music because it intensifies the feeling of the drug. There are many questions that need to be asked and answered when it comes to musical preference and drug preference.Some studies have been done, but I have yet to find anything conclusive, mostly just statistics about where people are going that do these drugs, not what they are listening to. I am to dig deeper into this issue and find out if there is something more than just the type of music or type of person. I feel as though some drugs are around certain types of music and people for a reason. Whether it is to intensify the listening pleasure of that individual, or if it has nothing to do with the music at all an d it is just the individual’s preference.I for one believe there is some sort of relationship between the two, I just don’t know what that is, yet. Rap music is one of the newest genres of music, but even rap has evolved to involve drug references in almost all of the most popular songs. A study done for addiction research and theory about changes in drug use being prevalent in rap songs showed that drugs were mentioned in 63% of rap songs, versus only about 10% of songs in other music genres.Rap music saw a large influx in the use of lyrics about drugs starting in the early 1990’s with marijuana being the most frequented drug mentioned. Some could argue that the crack cocaine epidemic that started in the ghetto’s in the early 1990’s had a big influence in this, but then why is marijuana the most mentioned? My outtake on this is that people started using harder and harder drugs, making marijuana less taboo as the years went on, so now it is just se cond nature to talk about marijuana, it’s not as bad as it was once thought to be.One example this article discussed was that rap artist Dr. Dre once said in a song â€Å"I don’t smoke weed or sinse, ‘cause it only gives a brother brain damage, and brain damage on the mike don’t manage. †Then, one of his very next album was named â€Å"The Chronic,†and hit triple platinum. Ironic? Maybe a bit, but was he doing this purely to sell records, or was marijuana something Dr. Dre enjoyed and wanted to pay it tribute? I am going with the latter explanation. Seeing as how he has had many more songs since the release of that album glorifying the use of marijuana.Next I wanted to take a look at the hard drugs and heavy drinking associated with the rock n’ roll lifestyle. If you take a look back at any great or largely influential band there is almost always traces of drug use and drinking. This has even proved to be the reason many of these ban ds do not still exist in today’s world. Try to find a picture of Slash, a guitarist for Guns n Roses, from the 1980’s, without him carrying around a bottle of Jack Daniels, it is nearly impossible. Most every rock n’ roll band from the 1980’s has a history of hard drug use and very heavy drinking.Because of the rock music? Or is it that these artist have always enjoyed hard drugs and drinking, but now that they are in a successful rock band they can afford more of it. Did the entertainment industry ruin these artist by turning them into drug addicts and alcoholics? In all my readings it seems to point in one direction, and that is usually these people have always had issues with drug use or alcohol, but now, with little to worry about and more money pouring in than they know what to do with, combined with the rowd they are now associating themselves with, they let these substances take over their life, and before they know it, the situation is no longer c ontrollable. The sad fact is that rock music is fast paced, fueled by drugs that keep people on the go and booze, because who doesn’t like a good stiff drink every once and a while. Rock n’ roll music has that â€Å"screw everything, lets have fun†mentality, when you mix that with a group of people that has a common interest in drugs or alcohol things tend to get a little out of hand.Binge drinking, cocaine and heroin are the most common issues with substances that I have found about the rock n’ roll crowd. When people drink, especially in large amounts, inhibitions become lost, that coupled with the screw it attitude of rock music may help push someone to do those harder drugs that they would not normally do. From everything I’ve read, it seems as though rock music doesn’t cause people to do these things, but rather helps fuel these individuals decision to party harder and go further with their drug use.Once alcohol, fast paced music and t he right crowd of people are thrown into the mix, it is relatively easy to see how someone could fall victim to drug abuse and make poor decisions. One of the other types of music genres I wanted to take a look at was all the repetitive music out there, including, techno, dubstep, trance and house. I have known many people throughout the last few years that enjoy these types of music, some of them drug users, some of them not.I have noticed that these people didn’t really have a drug of choice but rather did a little of everything, except for the hardcore fans. The people that go to big dance music parties or raves seem to like their hallucinogens more than any other drug. Where did this start though? This type of music is still relatively new in the grand scheme of things, so that tells me that maybe the music didn’t cause people to start using these drugs, but rather people that enjoyed using these types of drugs flocked to the repetitive music because of the way the drug enhanced it.Now, I know that most of the hallucinogenic drugs gained their popularity with the rock music of the 1960’s and 1970’s, but when did it switch from rock music to techno or the repetitive music genres? Did it switch because the rock stars of the 1980’s preferred the harder drugs like heroin? In every article and book that I looked in, it seems to me that alcohol is responsible for this change. Once rock stars started with the heavy drinking the hallucinogens were pretty much taken off the table, from what everyone has told me, alcohol and hallucinogens just do not mix well.So what is a person looking for a good time left to do? Go back to smoking marijuana, and that be it? Nope, it was time to move on to harder drugs and let the hallucinogens stay back with a different crowd. I know lsd and other hallucinogenics were around long before the popularization of repetitive music, so I can not put the blame on the music here, for this type of genre I believe that it is the drug that is responsible for the music. People are always looking for a way to intensify feelings, to go further than they did the last time they took a pill or snorted something.The way for this to happen was to look at the sense of sound, and use it to further the feeling of an acid trip. The use of repetitive beats, sounds and noises puts the drug user in a state of mind where nothing can bother them, it allows the drug to completely take over, thus intensifying the trip. After taking a look at many different music genres, these three seemed to be the most obvious ones that use drugs and or alcohol either in lyrics or as a way for the artist or listener to escape reality, if only briefly.Rap music did not become popular because of the crack cocaine problem in the ghetto’s, but one could easily argue that rap music helped crack become a nation wide epidemic because of the glorification in a lot of rap songs. Alcohol, cocaine, and heroin did not create rock n’ roll, sure it may have made it more interesting, but at the same time, it has ruined many artist’s lives that could have gone on to do great things for the music industry.Not everyone that attends a rave or a techno party is doing acid or ecstasy, but that music genre as a whole would not be in existence would it not have been for these drugs. While I don’t think music alone causes people to ruin their lives with drugs and alcohol, there is definitely a link between music and drug use. Whether it’s the type of drug, or how much of the drug that person prefers doesn’t matter, through all my readings one thing is certain, drugs and music have a past together and will have a future.
Friday, August 30, 2019
I am a leader Essay
I am naturally very friendly and enjoy talking to others, this will be beneficial during room check when girls are still awake and want to share things about their day. I am not shy and am not afraid to enforce the rules, especially the dress code, although I am a student. I am very creative and will enjoy decorating the hallway to make the girls feel welcome in my dorm. I am also and very organized and will be informative to the girls so that they will know about upcoming events each week such as dorm or campus devotionals and campus wide events. I will also remind them of certain events approaching such as clean sweep and saving energy week(s). I have been attending the Church of Christ since I was born. I now attend church at Crosswind Church of Christ while school is in session. I am extremely comfortable talking to students about their faith. I have spoken at girls devotional, been a prayer group leader at the three past retreats, was in charge of the Bible classes of Jr. Camp at MSYC last summer and will be this coming summer, and am currently the youth intern at Crosswinds COC and teach the High School girls Wednesday night class. This is an area that I feel very comfortable. I am a leader in many ways. I am holding leadership roles as officers in PKA and STEA and am a leader to the girls at my church, in my club and any one who sees my actions. I am constantly being a leader by representing the most Christ-like persona I am able to, at all times. Being in the positions that I am in make me a leader, but I try to be a positive leader regardless of what position I have.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Free Topic and bases on the text of Fitzgerald et al Internet and Essay
Free Topic and bases on the text of Fitzgerald et al Internet and E-Commerce Law (2007 Lawbook Co) - Essay Example It is now possible for people to interact and work collaboratively on a routine base across huge distances. Over all, as Fitzgerald et al suggested, it is interesting to know that such communication does not take place in any geological place but in the implicit territory of cyberspace1. Law courts all over the world have been coming in to grips with the issue of which province tends to exercise jurisdiction appropriately over the associations to cyberspace deals which have resulted in the gradual emergence of various jurisdiction principles appropriate to the internet by means of the decisions of court. As a point in fact, identification of the intricacies which are innate to such an approach may tend to cause a drift in the decisions of courts in the countries on the way to an aimed analysis for jurisdiction and away from the descending grade test positioned in various cases in the past times. As a result, this paper delineates the legal rules and regulations associated with jurisd iction along with discourses which are, although, related but are split up. Moreover, the paper draws an outline for the influences of jurisdiction on internet crimes and individual life. As put by Jew, jurisdiction, with its various interpretations, can refer to an assortment of lawful notions2 (Jew, 1998: 24). It can also be referred to as an alternative for law or an implementation of adjudication. However, in stern terms, jurisdiction can be construed as the authority of a court to settle on an issue. Whilst, the implemented law may appear to influence whether a court should refuse to practice its jurisdiction and hang about the proceedings, the High Court alleged that
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
BUS205 CA MOD 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
BUS205 CA MOD 1 - Essay Example The offer should be accepted as given and there should be no change of conditions. Counter offer occurs where new terms are suggested, and it may be rejected or accepted. Acceptance of the offer is the one which will terminate the negotiations which are establishing the contracts terms and condition. For a contract to be valid, it should have valuable considerations. In this case, one of the parties makes a promise to perform something and in return of the promise the offeree should give a benefit of the value. So consideration is any value each party offers to the other as they agreed. Intention of legal consequences is also an element of a contract; it needs the parties to engage themselves in a law binding agreement. The parties making the agreement should create a legal relation and they should know that also the agreement may be enforced by the act of the law. Not all the people who are allowed to enter into the contract which is valid. The following list of contracts of people who have problematic consent and they are dealt separately; minors or young people, bankrupts, those people with a mental disability, corporation and prisoners. For a person to enter into a contract, the action or decision should be out of goodwill. Consent of all the parties in the contract should be genuine. An appropriate consent will be influenced by; duress, mistake, undue influence and false statement. A contract is breached when one party fails to stick to the agreement and makes the other party not to perform (Richard 219). In this of Chappelle breached the contract because he did not stick to the agreement he had with Mustafa. Their agreement was that Abueljia was to manage his business and be paid though the contract was not in written form. A business contract as this one of Chappelle and Abueljia creates certain obligations that they had to fulfill because they were in a contract. Chappelle by dismissing
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Investment Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Investment Plan - Assignment Example 2. Accounting Rate of Return: Accounting Rate of Return is based on accounting profit. Accounting Rate of Profit (ARR) can be defined as the percentage of Average Annual Profit of an Investment to the Average Investment. Where, Average Investment = (Initial investment + scrap value) / 2 Advantages: By using Profit figures, this technique relates to the return on capital employed directly. The result of this calculation is in percentage, which is easily understandable by most business people. Disadvantage: Here also it ignores the time value of money It uses the accounting profit rather than cash flows. Cash flows represent solid power over resources, whereas Accounting profits are subjected to the application of accounting concepts. 3. Net Present Value: It is a discounted cash flow method of investment appraisal. It uses the method of discounting future cash flows to its present values. The sum of the future cash flows less the initial investment gives the Net Present value of a Project. Advantages: Its main strength is its recognition of time value of money. As it considers cash flow for calculation, it is not affected by the accounting policy of a particular company. As it takes account of the costs of raising finance, a positive NPV reflects the increase in shareholders' wealth, which is supposed to be the main consideration of Project appraisal. Disadvantages: This is a bit cumbersome process of calculating the discount rate with the nature of finance available. It gives result in absolute figures, and does not allow for the size of the project. 4. Internal Rate of Return: Internal Rate of Return is the discount rate that gives a zero NPV....The sum of the future cash flows less the initial investment gives the Net Present value of a Project. 4. Internal Rate of Return: Internal Rate of Return is the discount rate that gives a zero NPV. The acceptance criteria of this method of appraisal are; IRR should be greater than the discount rate on the presumption that a project with higher IRR than the discount rate generates higher returns. Calculation of IRR is easier as it does not require precise cost of capital discount rate. To accept a project it is enough to see that the IRR sufficiently higher than the approximate cost of capital. To summerize complex accounting information into relatively small no. of key indicators ratios are used. This also makes comparison easier. As we are now going to make comparison between the performance of M/s Sukna and M/s Badra we should utilize the ratio analysis method. Traditionally ratios are classified into five groups. We should look into the ratios for which data is available with us. This is known as primary ratio as it goes to the heart of what most private sector firms try to achieve. This ratio gives the effectiveness of the assets financed both by shareholders and long term creditors. This ratio should be as high as possible. Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit / Sales X 100%. This ratio does not give a clear picture but it can give some trend.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Prevalence Of Community Policing And Its Effectiveness In United Research Paper
Prevalence Of Community Policing And Its Effectiveness In United States - Research Paper Example Thus, policing involves the process of dealing with the lawbreakers and thereby maintaining law and order in the city. Implementing new ideas and reforming the concepts of decision making and creating a new culture in the police departments in relation to a particular geographical place, city or community is defined as community policing. â€Å"Community policing is a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnership and problem solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues†(Community Police Defined, n. d). Thus, the concept of community policing is comprised of various components such as the community partnerships, organizational transformation, and problem solving methodologies. This paper will discuss the prevalence and effectiveness of the community policing in the United States of America. As stated above, one of the vital components in community policing would be the community partnership, under which government agencies, private businesses, media, non profits and service providers would be involved. Particularly, they will assist the police in developing solutions to the problems which mainly affect the public safety such as crime, social disorder, fear of crime, etc. The other element includes the organizational transformation where the basic structural components such as organizational structure, policies, information systems, etc., are optimized effectively, which allows the effective structuring in the community policing. The problem solving aspects involve the process of engaging in the proactive and systematic examination of public safety problems to develop optimum solutions, and then rigorously evaluate the responses to those solutions. Thus, some of the problem solving activities in the policing include: a) Scanning b) Analysis c) Response d) Assessment (Fri edman, 1992). The concept of scanning includes identifying and prioritizing the problems. Analysis part mainly focuses on researching and collecting the details about the problem. Developing solutions for the problem and implementing the solution encompasses response step in problem solving. The final step includes evaluating the success of the response and assessing the solution. Therefore, from the above sentences the major components in community policing can be well understood. Consequently, â€Å"Community policing is a policy and strategy aimed at achieving more effective and efficient crime control, reduced fear of crime and improved quality of life†(Friedman, 1992). From both community as well as police perspectives, the community policing can be clearly defined as a way to control the crimes which mainly arise due to the societal factors. Some proactive measures need to be implemented in some instances through the way of replacing the reactive policing. Above all, t he decentralized implementation of the community oriented policing is the major prerequisite. This part of the paper will mainly focus on the framework of the community policing. The frame work of the community policing is mainly based on two major entities which include the community encompassing the people and the police departmen
Sunday, August 25, 2019
ARM Holdings s response to changes in the microenvironment Essay
ARM Holdings s response to changes in the microenvironment - Essay Example The firm that is analyzed in the paper is ARM, the producer of most microprocessors used in mobile devices like mobile phones, smart phones, servers and embedded devices. Intel dominates the manufacture of microprocessors for laptops, desktops, tablets and other computer devices. Though they share a related field in different industries, both firms are different, and each dominates a section of the market that its competitor did not want to venture, until recently. Recent events in the information technology industry have caused a shift towards the mobile industry, and both firms have enough interest to invest in research that will enable them to produce microprocessors for use in the domain of its competitor. ARM intends to shift into building processor architectures for the PC, tablet, and laptop industry while Intel wants to shift to producing processors for the mobile industry. However, this shift is faced with limitations since the two companies are pushing their strengths that had resulted in their domination of their current market. ARM does not build its processors; rather it sells the architecture to firms like NVidia, QUALCOMM, Apple and Texas Instruments that have the necessary infrastructure to build the designs. It charges these companies for up to 2 % of the revenue from the processors for each processor that is incorporated into a device. The ARM processors are characterised by low energy consumption that makes them ideal for mobile devices, and the firm also designs some processor architecture that are incorporated into servers. ... ry has more potential for growth than the PC industry, and that is why Intel has shifted attention towards developing microprocessors for mobile devices. Intel aims at doing this by improving the energy consumption of its processors since their processing power is the best in the world. On the other hand, ARM has already developed processors for use in personal computers, tablets and other devices that use operating systems that are primarily built for computer systems. This will pose a threat to companies like AMD since ARM has the capacity to improve on its technologies since it does not build the processors (BDTi, 2011). Environmental Analysis Industry Cycle The microprocessor industry has reached its maturity stage as it has existed for a long time and firms have already established their niche markets. However, since this is a research, innovation and development-intensive market, the industry has retained the characteristic of an emerging market. In addition, due to the versati lity of information technologies, it is likely to remain so as firms come up with new architectures, forms, and configurations of processors. Therefore, in its strategy, ARM should not only look at current developments, but also anticipate future changes in order to have a competitive edge against leading market players like Intel, and avoid being overtaken by emerging firms (Porter, 2008: 89). Porter’s Forces There are five main environmental forces that ARM has to deal with in its quest to venture into the PC market and retain its competitive edge in the mobile market, three of which are macroeconomic and two microeconomic. The porter forces give an over view of the steps the firm should take in order to achieve its objectives; these changes include: The entry of Intel and other firms
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Transfer admission essay for University of Pittsburgh
Transfer admission for University of Pittsburgh - Essay Example I have resided in Johnstown, Pennsylvania for the majority of my life. The small town charm and characteristics helped nurture me throughout the years. While the town’s features and residents have shaped my current lifestyle, I yearn to live among individuals from various cultures and backgrounds. These individuals are a pivotal part of Pittsburgh’s alluring framework. Since psychology is my desired major, being exposed to a motley of perspectives and behaviors is vital while performing research. Interaction with diversified groups will strengthen my psychological knowledge of human activity. Also, my peers at main campus are not only friends, but resources as well. Being part of a larger class means having more people to learn from. All in all, being a psychology student in Pittsburgh will allow me to evaluate the differing viewpoints of various individuals and will help me to discover ethical issues affecting society. The same will also be very intriguing as I have al ways wanted to involve myself in solving the ethical issues in the society and what better platform than the University of Pittsburgh. In addition to cultural diversity, the amount of educational opportunities at the University of Pittsburgh is unlimited. Seeing that psychology encompasses a vast domain, there are many aspects of which it is comprised. While the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown does offer the psychology major, I feel that the reputable main campus will offer more in terms of exploring subfields and research. While I have not yet decided upon which subfield strikes my interest, studying at the University of Pittsburgh will help direct me towards the proper subfield. Not only is the main campus renowned for its prestigious history, but the option for graduate studies are also imperative to my future. In addition to this, the University of Pittsburgh will also serve as an ideal platform for pursuing my further studies and I have always envisaged a
National Geographic Photography Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
National Geographic Photography - Dissertation Example Founded in 1888, the National Geographic Society, publishers of National Geographic Magazine, developed its mission, which is "for the increase and diffusion of geographic Knowledge." (â€Å"Penn Museum Presents in Focus 2005). More than a century later, they are still fulfilling this mission of bridging the differences in our world, drawing our large world a little closer, and reminding us that all humans have the same basic needs no matter where we live. Through photographs that capture the very essence of human beings, they have managed to achieve their goals and have an effect on society in an amazing way. â€Å"The images in the exhibition also speak to the magazine's shifting role in society during a century of war, peace, and rapid technological and cultural change. Images from the 1930s and 40s, for example, reveal the magazine's efforts to divert attention away from the hardships of domestic life during the Great Depression and World War II.†(Penn Museum Presents in Focus 2005). Explorers Hall is the name of The National Geographic Society Headquarters. The building takes up an entire block and yet it can hardly contain the items, photos, and all that makes up the National Geographic Magazine and what it represents and has accomplishes. The National Geographic Society has ventured from photography and publication to education, multimedia, philanthropy, and so much more.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Consumer Behaviour (case study milk) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Consumer Behaviour (case study milk) - Essay Example As a result, many buyers share a favorable attitude toward Australian milk. The new advertising campaign helps the milk industry appeal to new target audience. "It portrays milk drinkers as likely to have more stamina and to have a better time as beer drinkers" (Case study). In this case, behavior patterns of buyers are influence by quality decisions and unique qualities of the product. This behavior patterns represent how a product is associated with unique personal image and health-conscious appeal (Brock et al 1994). Another step is to reposition the product and change "the way people view milk as s beverage" (Case study). In a short period of time, success is due in part to the product's association with prestige and new lifestyle. The message is reinforced in advertising that urges new buyers to join this group. The milk industry uses the same characters, James and Tom, with sex appeal. Personal values are considered important consumer behavior elements because they serve as determinants of attitudes and have manifested themselves in the formation of buying motives and brand attitudes. Personal values are better predictors of activity preference than demographic variations. Factors comprising items related to cultural activities, outdoor activities, and roots such as visiting ancestral homelands and friends and relatives indicated that personal values were more useful than demographics. Both campaigns are targeted at male consumers. It is possible to say that values are learned and are respons ible for determining self-concept. These values extend to social, family life, entertainment, and other facets of life. New advertising campaign creates a new mode of conduct which the individual believes is either correct or incorrect, and increases number of branded products. Another campaign, "Milk-legendary Staff", is based on emotional and sex appeal. The role of this type of advertising is to change the style of life of consumers beyond economic factors and includes an increasing concern with a sense of well-being. Consumers behavior is influenced by factors mentioned above and reflected their feelings, states of happiness, and other behavioral measures are associated with their expectations. Generally, the style of life is equated with a sense of satisfaction. For milk producers, it is important to create a core of loyal supporters based on their behavior patterns. The advent of customer loyalty is a response to the need to meet heightened customer expectations and face intensified market competition. Customer loyalty can be defined as a commitment to continue to do business with a company on an ongoing basis. To deliver customers satisfaction milk producers consider several options for developing operations strategy. Having the option to choose, and options to choose from, is crucial to marketing dynamics (Brock et al 1994). Without option of choice, they be unable to create a selling proposition and to target their most promising opportunities; and customers would be unable to express their needs and purchase preferences, settling for something less-than-acceptable, or not at all (Wells et al 2005). In spite of positive changes in life style of people and increasing consumption of milk, both advertising campaigns exploit consumers. Advertising message has a great influence on buyers as it is often
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The development of the printing press Essay Example for Free
The development of the printing press Essay The Reformation started in 1517, when Martin Luther began his protests against indulgences and then against the Roman Catholic Church. It was a time of immense change within Europe. There were many causes that contributed towards the Reformation, such as, the printing press and the state of the Church and they are all of some significance. The first factor that contributed towards the Reformation was the development of the printing press. In the middle of the 15th century the printing press was invented and this had many effects. Access to knowledge had now been increased greatly. Books and pamphlets could now be printed and everyone could get their hands on this newly available information. Printing highlighted discrepancies and contradictions between what was really in the Bible and what the Church said was in the Bible. This led to more people coming away from the Church. There was also a decrease in censorship by the Church. The Church could no longer control knowledge and intellectual thought as they had once done before the development of the printing press, when the monks used to write all the books available, by hand and therefore, controlling what went into them. If it wasnt for the printing press, the new ideas which led to Reformation might never have got off the ground. Another contributing factor to the Reformation was the revival of classical texts. Ancient Greek and Roman texts were rediscovered and with them new ways of thinking. For example, the works of the Greek philosopher, Protagoras were recovered and in his works there was the idea that, man is the measure of all things, i.e. man is unlimited in potential. New ideas such as these led to Humanism- the study of arts, architecture, literature and language, which replaced the previous idea of Scholasticism. These new ideas led to people ideas and beliefs changing and this proved a great challenge to the Church. People were questioning the beliefs of the Church and if they were true or false. One of the biggest causes of the Reformation was perhaps the state of the Church. The medieval Church had many abuses; there were many ways in which the Church had been diverted from its spiritual mission by its corruption of the world. There was simony, the raising of cash through the sale of posts in the Church hierarchy which led to pluralism- the holding of several offices and absenteeism- when clergymen acquired offices solely for their income rather than because they were going to undertake any of their duties. Powerful families could add Church offices to their other acquisitions. The Church was meant to be separate from the world through the rule of celibacy; however some priest went against this rule and wandered. A cardinal or bishop might have his courtesan (a high class prostitute) and an ordinary priest his concubine. Where a bishop got to know about a priest and his concubine, the routine was to exact a fine rather than to split them up. Criminals could claim benefit of clergy. Simple literacy was regarded as pretty good evidence, would be tried before a Church court and guaranteed a light penalty, even for so serious a crime as murder. Abuses such as these produced resentment amongst many of the laity, the mass of people without benefit of clergy. Church taxation provoked laymen more than anything else. The tithe, 10 percent of all produce, had to be paid over to support the Church and there were many other taxes as well, such as Peters pence, a tax on hearths paid to the Pope. The German people despised the fact that their money went to Rome and didnt do anything for them. Convents were shamefully lax and that was because they were useful as dumping grounds for the excess daughters of well-to-do families. Relics of saints, which pilgrims traveled to see and to touch and to pay for the privilege, were often frauds. The forearm of St Andrew might just be a pigs bone, sceptical travelers noted enough nails from the Cross to make a forest of crosses and enough of the Virgins milk to launch ships. Indulgences, which were sold by the Church as though they were passports from the torments of purgatory directly into the bliss of Paradise, had become crude money-raising devices but that was possible because there was so much ready demand for them. This state of the Church led to dissatisfaction within the people and when books with new ideas were printed, people were ready to read and accept them. Rulers and kings helped the Reformation to come about as they failed to put the movement down. The Reformation would provide opportunities for princes, as they could take over churches in their own country and rule them themselves. There were increasing differences between the rulers and the Pope and they wanted to oppose the Pope and let the Reformation gather pace. If the princes hadnt have sat back and let the Reformation take place, it might not have taken place as they would have had enough power to prevent the ideas from spreading and gaining support. The printing press was a major factor towards the Reformation, however it wasnt the most important, other factors contributed and together they helped bring the Reformation about. The other causes were very significant too. The state of the Church had led to growing resentment towards the Church and it was only a matter of time before this led to a major revolt against the Church. The bringing about of new ideas and humanism, led to new ideas and it would have eventually changed thinking at the time. The printing press helped in the spreading of the new ideas and ways of thinking that came with the Reformation, but these new ideas might have come about without the printing press, just at a later time.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Is Emotional Cheating As Serious?
Is Emotional Cheating As Serious? Cheating in marriages and relationships has been very rampant especially in the contemporary society. Many people have lost their marriage partners due to cheating either emotionally or sexually. People are usually less committed and satisfied in relationships when they get a feeling that their partners are cheating on them. Cheating or deceiving on ones partner is usually driven by less commitment in one relationship whereby some people may cheat as an attempt to get out of a relationship (Gunderson and Ferrari 2008 2). In most romantic relationships the most common type of cheating is the sexual cheating where someone practices sexual behavior outside a committed relationship. The other type of cheating that is highly practised in todays relationships is the emotional cheating where someone shows stronger emotional bonds with someone else outside a committed relationship. Over the recent past there has been heated debate on the impacts caused by either of the infidelity in relationships. Many people have diverse opinions on which of the two is more serious and more disastrous to a relationship. However there has been general consensus that both are capable of breaking relationships and that the seriousness of either of them will vary from one individual to the other (Gunderson and Ferrari 2008 3) Emotional cheating is betrayal of ones partner although its rarely seems like it since it does not involve a real affair like intimacy and sex. This type of cheating does not necessarily create unwanted pregnancies, break vows or infect diseases (Pawlik-Kienlen 2007). Emotional cheating is known as the type of cheating that cannot be easily detected since it has less rigid boundaries. According to Pawlik-Kienlen (2007), its much easier to tell when your partner is cheating sexually but its difficult to precisely tell the extent your emotional attachment with your partner or with any other person. Emotional affairs may encompass movie dates, innocent dinners and even short picnics which the involved individuals take as normal activities in life. The distinguishing feature of an emotional friendship from other normal friendships is the sharing of problems, intimate secrets and triumphs that may not be shared with any other person even their spouses. Long conversations over the phone are also main characteristics of these friendships. According to experts on these studies the main characteristic of an emotional affair is that mostly the involved individuals are absolutely unaware of their behaviour and that they rarely see themselves as being unfaithful (Jet 2004 15). The fact that these people may not practice sexual affairs makes them to perceive their relationships as normal friendship that should not hurt anyone although in actual sense its hurts sometimes even more than the physical or sexual cheating. Emotional cheating becomes more dangerous and hurting to a woman when she discovers that her partner has someone else whose personality he prefers than hers. This then brings her a feeling that she is no longer interesting to her partner and that she cannot satisfy his emotional needs. Some people argue that emotional cheating has more adverse impacts on relationships since emotional affairs simply mean that these people are not just after physical satisfaction (sex) but they actually love the other person which makes their relationship long term. According to (Pawlik-Kienlen 2007), this cheating takes away more from a marriage relationship because one takes to another person feelings that should be preserved for his or her spouse (Pawlik-Kienlen). Emotional affairs are also more difficult to end because of the feelings involved and can easily break marriages when one is caught between serious choices to make. Emotional cheating is found to stick around and mostly results to future p roblems. On the other hand problems from physical cheating can be easily resolved and forgotten since sometimes they occur mindlessly like when someone goes out and gets drunk. In such cases its easily understood that there are no emotional feelings and that there is no existing relationship between the two. Emotional cheating also encompasses Internet cheating which has taken its place in family conflicts and relationships breakage in the contemporary society (Parker and Wampler 2003 415). People are finding themselves logging more times into the internets to talk to specific people. This type of communication advancing and that men are feeling more pleasure and relieve when talking to these online partners than they do when talking to their spouses. This type of cheating illustrates a pure emotional cheating. In internet cheating the individuals involved may not have seen each other and therefore can not be influenced by the thought of sexual satisfaction. This is viewed as a classic sign of investing ones emotions in other people in stead of concentrating them to your spouse. Emotional cheating is found to more betraying to women than it is to men. According to Morrison 2009 2), when women are looking for marriage partners, they concentrate more on the emotional and intellectual qualities of a man as well as his ability to be a good father and provide for the family. On the other hand men focus more on the physical qualities of a woman in order to ensure that she is capable of producing offspring and satisfy his sexual desires. This implies that since women invest more on the emotional aspects of the relationship, emotional cheating is generally much hard for her to handle and therefore she may feel more betrayed. Physical and sexual cheating Sexual cheating is mostly regarded as the physical sexual intercourse with another person who is not your partner in marriage or in a relationship. It occurs when a partner who is in love with his or her spouse, gives in to his or her sexual desire with another person. According to Grello, Welsh and Harper (2006), this type of infidelity is usually driven by opportunity or situational circumstances, use of alcohol or other drugs and risk- taking behavior (Grello, Welsh and Harper 256). For partners in deep love, such cheating which is mostly unintended, brings so much guilt and regrets in them. This cheating may sometimes be as a result of hostile actions, immaturity or sexual addiction. Sexual cheating mostly does not involve emotion feelings between the partners as in emotional cheating. This type of cheating may not be so detrimental to women like the emotional cheating but its also very destructive to relationships. An activity would be regarded as sexual affair not according to the presence of physical contact but because of other aspects as well. Strip shows, telephone sex and viewing stripers or pornography are all actions done out of sexual fantasies. According to Allen Johnson (2006), people who watch pornography or attend strip clubs are usually engaging in sexual acts and thus if they are involved in relationships they are actually cheating (Allen Johnson 154). In sexual or physical cheating, when a man or a woman does sex outside the marriage, their partners starts doubting their bed skills and what their partners could be missing in them (Gunderson and Ferrari 2008 4).. The cheated partner may feel that he or she is not satisfying his or her partners sexual desires. This then makes them to be very conscious about their performance in bed which in turn makes them loose more their desire of having sex with their partners hence making the problem even worse. A partner cheats, the other partner refuses to have sex with the cheating partner making the cheating partner to cheat even more. Sexual cheating therefore causes a destructive circle which can completely ruin a marriage. However sexual cheating has different impacts to men from what it has to women. Since men concentrate more on the physical qualities of a woman physical cheating is therefore more hurting to them (Gunderson and Ferrari 2008 3). As the providers in the house men want to be given the maximum respect and attention that they deserve and that physical cheating is viewed as lack of respect and attention for them. Men view sexually cheating women as betrayers who are even a threat to their security. On the other hand men view themselves as naturally potentially polygamous and capable of dividing their emotions and attention to more than one woman. This belief therefore makes men to put more seriousness on the sexual or physical cheating than the emotional cheating. In this perspective, women in cultures where polygamous marriage is upheld will regard emotional cheating as more serious than sexual cheating. On the other hand this sexual cheating mostly involves sexual intercourse which can sometimes result to unwanted pregnancies, breakage of vows or may cause infection of some deadly sexually transmitted disease like HIV/AIDS (Buss and Shackelford 1997). This therefore makes this cheating more serious than the emotional cheating in cases where a spouse becomes pregnant or impregnates someone outside the marriage or when they contract serious infections like HIV/AIDS. Such cases are more serious and difficult to resolve hence they mostly end in marriage breakages. In case of such occurrences this cheating therefore can result to guilt and depression which may end up to mental disorders. For many individuals emotional affairs is a great source of comfort and relief in times of relationship problems and misunderstandings (Gunderson and Ferrari 2008 1). However these affairs encompass some share of intimate emotions between individuals and when these emotions are invested regularly on someone outside the marriage the marriage relationship is usually compromised. Emotional relationship starts as normal relationship and then deepens through regular contact numerous mail messages and discussions. With time there develops excitement and ease in hearing from the other person. Emotional cheating is known to involve a lot of talking though it may occasionally lead to sex which then makes it like sexual cheating. However although the sex between these people may be passionate, their relationship is primarily driven by the feeling of emotional safety and companionship. The danger of emotional infidelity become worse when the door of emotional intimacy is opened and deepens the bond making the person in the emotional affair to start comparing between his or her spouse and the partner in the emotional affair (Parker and Wampler 2003 416). Sometimes one may argue that its easier to talk to his or her partner in emotional affair than it is to talk to his or her spouse. Other times your spouse may not seem to be listening and understanding to you like the other partner. Other times one may feel safe and comfortable when in the company of their partner in emotional affair than they do when in the company of their spouses. However its clear from our discussion that emotional cheating may result to physical cheating. Similarly the effect of either of the cheating may vary from one person to the other and therefore their seriousness is subjective. Conclusion Cheating in relationships is usually carried out in many different ways. The most common is the sexual cheating whereby research has shown most men usually have no emotional feelings for the woman and that they only show interest in the woman so as to get their sexual satisfaction and excitement. The other type of cheating is emotional cheating. Here men usually find themselves emotionally connected with other women besides their wives or girl friends and sex is not usually given the first priority. A man finds himself enjoying the company of this other woman more than he does for his own wife and they prefer spending their spare time with them (Morrison 2009 1). According to a recent study conducted on emotional and physical cheating, 75% of women admitted that emotional cheating is more hurting than sexual cheating (Morrison 2009 1). On the other hand most of the interviewed women also admitted that its difficult to separate the two types of cheating since both would influence their feelings for their partners. Which way looks at it any type of cheating, whether emotional or physical ends up in ruining a relationship (Morrison 2009 1). Normally when one partner cheats on the other in a relationship, trust between them is lost and chances of regaining this trust is usually very minimal. Everyone who is in a relationship or has been in a relationship does not need to be lectured on what cheating either physical or emotional can do. Experts say that one cannot be emotionally involved outside marriage and still expect things to function normally in his relationship at home. Whether the relationship does involve intimacy and sex or not it can be destructive to marriage relationships. According to Jet 2009 7 out of 10 emotional affairs result to physical or sexual affairs at the long run (Jet 7). This therefore implies that both emotional and physical cheating are interconnected and that its difficult to prefer one over the other. Sharing thoughts, problems and feelings as it happens in emotional intimacy is just like making love to one anothers mind before actually making love to their body. In other words verbal intimacy is just one step away from physical or sexual intimacy. Annotated bibliography Gunderson, Patrick and Ferrari, Joseph. R. Forgiveness of sexual cheating in romantic relationships: effects of discovery method, Frequency of Offence, and presence of Apology North American journal of Psychology, 2008, vol. 10 pp. 1-14 This article talks about the seriousness of emotional and physical sex as compared between male and female college students. The article gives discussions as got from interviews with college students about the infidelities and their ease of being forgiven. This article has helped in finding out that sexual cheating is more hurting or more serious to men as compared to emotional cheating. In the article we also find that its easier for women to forgive sexual infidelity than it is for men. Here some reasons of cheating like poor commitment in relationships are also revealed. Grello, Catherine. M, Welsh, Deborah. P and Harper, Melinda. S. No strings Attached: the nature of casual sex in college students: The journal sex research vol. 43 no.3 August 2006 p.255-267 This article talks about circumstances linked to physical cheating among peers. It also informs on the dangers of both types of cheating. By the help of this article in the journal of sex research, the research finds that immaturity, use of drugs and risky behaviours are some of the causes of infidelity especially among college students. In the article the consequences of after sex are also discussed. Pawlik-Kienlen, Laurie. What is Emotional Cheating? Jun 21, 2007 ( This website describes what is emotional and physical cheating and how they start. In this page the characteristics of emotional cheating are discussed. From this article the research finds out the dangers of emotional infidelity and how they can cause long term problems in marriages. The site helps to disclose why women are more affected by emotional cheating than men. Morrison, Julia Emotional Or Sexual Cheating: Which Is Worse? Womens Sexuality Correspondent every other Tuesday ( This website article compares the seriousness of emotional and sexual cheating and how they can easily break marriages. In this article the examples of emotional cheating are discussed. The mens emotional involvement in sexual infidelity is also discussed in this page. From this website the research finds that emotional cheating cannot be easily identified and that it can be long term due to the emotional connection. The article also helps the research to conclude that both emotional and physical cheating can ruin relationships and that the seriousness of either will vary from on person to the other. Jet magazine Vol. 105, No. 2124 May 2004 Johnson Publishing Company 64 pages ( This magazine evaluates the ideas of different people on emotional cheating. Ignorance of people in emotional relationships is also discussed. From this magazine the research reveals that people in emotional cheating view themselves and doing no mistake since they dont venture into sexual affairs Parker, Trent. S and Wampler, Karen S How Bad Is It? Perceptions of the Relationship: journal of Contemporary Family Therapy, New Jersey: Springer Volume 25, Number 4 / December, 2003 Pages 415-429 This journal discus the various types of cheating. The article talks of internet cheating which an example of emotional cheating. From the article its found that internet cheating can also ruin marriages. The article helps the research in unveiling that watching stripers and pornographic material is just like engaging into sexual affairs outside marriage and that those engaged in such activities are actually cheating. Buss, David M Shackelford, Todd K Susceptibility to Infidelity in the First Year of Marriage Journal of Research in Personality Volume 31, Issue 2, June 1997, Pages 193-221 Academic Press. This article talks about the consequences of cheating and how they affect families. The book gives results of a study carried out among 107 married couples on the possible signs of cheating among their spouses. From the article the research finds the dangers of sexual cheating like contracting of serious diseases like HIV/AIDS which could make relationships problems more difficult to solve. Allen, Johnson. S Physical abusers and sexual offenders: forensic and clinical strategies CRC Press. 2006. This book evaluates the emotional, physical and sexual cheating are their various forms. The book helps the research to conclude that all types of cheating are detrimental to relationships. From the book we are able to argue that emotional sex is interconnected with the physical sex and that its difficult to prefer one over the other.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Advanced decisions in end of life planning
Advanced decisions in end of life planning The advanced care planning (ACP)process is concerned with ensuring the patient has expressed their wishes should their condition deteriorate, leaving them without mental capacity or unable to communicate their decision.(REF LCP)Part of this process is allowing the patient to create advanced decisions with regards to refusing treatment (Joseph, 2010). As end of life planning is such a vast topic this essay will critically evaluate the key principles of advanced decisions with regards to Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). CPR is an issue in many health care settings including hospitals, primary care, day hospitals and nursing homes. The ethical debate and the associated problems with advanced decisions are becoming ever more apparent due to the ever increasing number of elderly people in nursing and residential homes. (DH, 2000, 2010). Previous evidence based research has looked at helping elderly people and their families with decision making in end of life planning (references) as well as Patients requesting Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders against the advice of others (REF). There appears to be a gap in the literature concerning the complexity of the tensions associated between the nurse, the rights of the patient and family (or independent advocate) when the patient has specifically requested resuscitation in the event of a cardiac arrest against the advice of the multidisciplinary team. This reflection is based on an issue experienced within my practice and can cause many ethical and moral debates for the nursing staff. The knowledge gained from this reflection will inform my future practice on how patients rights are supported or challenged and the subsequent roles of the nurse. Gibbs (1988) developed his model of reflection in order to reflect on events, critically evaluate fundamental concepts and influence future practice. The first element of this model is based on experience and a description of events. Mr Smith is an elderly gentleman in his late 80s currently living in a nursing home. He has one daughter and a son in law who he is close to and his wife and son passed away a few years ago. Mr Smiths health has been deteriorating over a period of time and the staff nurses and his daughter want to begin the advanced care planning process. For the purpose of this reflection, names and personal data has been changed in line with the NMCs (2008) policy on confidentiality. It is often difficult to establish when a person is reaching the final stages of life (Ellershaw Wilkinson, 2003), however factors have been identified in the Liverpool Care Pathway in order to allow patients to be assessed, including reduced performance status (Karnovsky, 1949); increased dependence in activities of daily living (Barthel, 1965); weight loss and overall physical decline (McNicholl, 2006). Mr Smith had lost a significant amount of weight over the previous 6 months, was requiring more help with various tasks, including personal hygiene and often required the use of a wheelchair as he was becoming more unstable on his feet. It was due to this that it was felt the ACP process was necessary. Effective nursing practice relies upon the ability to develop therapeutic relationships with the patient and family (Peplau, 1952). The qualities of the relationship include good listening skills, a build up of trust and empathy ( Watt-Watson, Garfinkel, Gallop, Stevens, 2002). It is important for relatives to be included in discussions concerning end of life planning as it allows everyone involved to understand and come to terms with the decision (McDermott 2002). A meeting was arranged with Mr smith and his daughter (after consent was gained) to disuss his care wishes in the event of his condition deteriorating. Mr Smith understood that his condition was getting worse but was adamant that he wanted every effort to keep him alive. Therefore, if he went under cardiac arrest Mr Smith would wish the nurse to commence CPR. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitiation (CPR) is a complicated ethical decision comprising of many legal, ethical and emotional decisions for that of the nurse, patient and family (Jeven, 1999). The principle role of the nurse is to assist the patient in restoring or maintaining the best level of health possible (NMC, 2004). Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a procedure that aims to prolong the life of an individual who goes under a cardiac arrest by attempting to restore breathing and increase oxygenated blood flow to the brain and heart. The decision to carry out this procedure should be based on any potential risks or benefits to the patient and should not be carried out with no regard to the quality or life expectancy of the patient (BMA, Royal College of Nursing the Resuscitation Council, 2007). These discussions led to a divide in attitudes as it was felt by the majority that a do not resuscitate (DNR) order would be the most sensible and realistic option. A DNR order is often implemented when a person is extremely ill and death is imminent (British Medical Association, 2007). Furthermore, if the patient has other chronic illnesses, which will reduce the quality or length of life, CPR has the potential to prolong suffering and do more harm than good and so would not be deemed beneficial (BMA, Royal College of Nursing the Resuscitation Council, 2007). However, Mr Smith did not agree with this and felt angry and confused as to why his family would suggest that a DNR would be appropriate. He was willing to accept the associated risks of CPR and maintained that his age should not prevent him being entitled to treatment. This statement is supported by equal rights for the elderly, in which people cannot be denied CPR just because of age (DH, 2001). This decision appeared somewhat irrational as he had stated for some time that it was his time to go and he was fed up of suffering and his mental capacity was called into question. The Mental Capacity Act (2005) states that an advanced decision (formerly known as an advanced directive) gives a person over the age of 18, who is deemed to have mental capacity, the ability to consent to or refuse a specific treatment if they become in a position where they lack capacity or are unable to state their decision. A person is considered to have capacity if they are able to understand and retain information in order to make an informed decision; be able to understand the consequences of any interventions and be able to communicate their decision (GMC, 2008). Current English law states that individuals are presumed to have mental capacity unless it can be proven otherwise and this does not take away the allowance for seemingly irrational and risky decisions to be made (NMC, 2004, BMA 2009, DOH, 2001, MCA, 2005) Mr Smith was deemed to have full mental capacity as he fulfilled the criteria outlined by the MCA (2005) and a second opinion doctor was also called to ensure that this was the case. If the patient lacked capacity to make their own decisions, nursing staff must act in line with the patients best wishes (Dimond, 2006). In such circumstances members of the multidisciplinary team must be able to provide clear justification (Hutchinson, 2005). Had it been the case that Mr Smith lacked capacity it would have been reasonable for the nurse to justify not performing CPR, however, failure to comply with his wishes could potentially lead to legal and professional consequences as the NMC (2004) states that patients autonomy must be respected even where this may result in harm. However, the ACP is not legally binding as clinical judgement takes priority (REF LCP). This can put the nurse into a moral dilemma because following professional and legal responsibilities would deny the patient their rights. Beauchamp and Childress (1994) devised an ethical framework based on 4 moral principles to provide guidance on the conflict between the role of the nurse and the rights of the patient. Beneficence, suggests that any decision to be made must be in the best interests of the specific patient as well as weighing up potential benefit and risks (Beauchamp Childress, 2008). In this case it could be suggested that the risks far outweigh any potential benefits and to do CPR would not be the greater good but this would affect the principle of autonomy. Autonomy is the patients right to accept or refuse any medical treatment. It follows deontological theories (Mill, 1982) which deem an action to be right, if it accords with a moral duty or code, regardless of the outcome (Noble-Adams 1999). This approach would justify the nurse performing CPR because they would be following their legal and professional code of conduct in that a patients wishes must be respected and carried out (NMC, 2008). How ever going against the patients wishes could also be deemed as morally right as part of the nurses role is to allow the patient to die with dignity (King,1996). Howver, this could be suggested as following the traditional notion of paternalism, which is not compatible with modern day ethics (Rumbold, 1999). All of these issues cause a moral dilemma for the nurse and impact upon the patients rights as it has been suggested that CPR can deny a patients right to die with dignity by prolonging the dying process (McDermott 2002) and so could be suggested that the greatest good in the situation would be achieved by not performing CPR. The principle of non-maleficence is based on doing no harm (Edwards, 1996). Many people have unrealistic expectations of the success rates of CPR due to media representations (Dean 2001). Patients who survive cardiac arrests following resuscitation is as low as 20% and not all of these inidivudals get to the position of being well enough to be discharged from hospital (Cardozo, 2005). These rates of success are reduced even further when patients have underlying problems and poor health (Schultz 1997). However, it could be argued that the ultimate harm would be to do nothing resulting in death which would also be against Mr smiths wishes. The fact that Mr smith was already considered emaciated and having deteriorating health increases the risk of physical damage during chest compressions but as Mr Smith had already written an advanced directive stating he wished to receive CPR then this should be carried out (Pennels, 2001). This puts the nurse in a serious dilemma as patients and the ir families taking legal action is becoming increasingly common (Oxtoby, 2005) and the nurse is bound by the legalities of their professional code, which would claim that failing to carry out CPR would be considered negligent (Jevon, 1999) and as nurses are professionally accountable for their actions this could put their career in jepoardy(NMC, 2004). The final ethical principle of Justice is concerned with fairness and equality maintaining that every individual has the right to life (Human Rights Act, 1998) and therefore, the patient has a right for the nurse to carry out CPR (even if they have not previously stated this) especially if they have an advanced descision stating that they wish to be resuscitated in the event of cardiac arrest. (Costello, 2002). After all this has been taken into consideration, the rights of the patient, including those who have an advanced decision can still be overruled as before the decision can be applied there must be reasonable evidence to suggest that the decision is still valid and applicable (BMA, 2007). Mr Smith appeared not to be acting in line with his advanced decisions as he was refusing to eat or drink and appeared withdrawn in his personality, not wanting to participate in his activities of living (Roper, Logan and Tierney, 2000). It has been suggested that many health care professionals do not discuss goals of care as they have inadequate communication skills or that there is often conflicting ideas between the patient and professional about what is in their best interests (Haidet et al, 1998) As this has often found to be the case, one of the registered nurses decided to have a further chat with Mr Smith as it was felt that his needs were not being appropriately addressed. It transpired that Mr Smith did wish to die a peaceful death but was scared of what might happen and if he said he did not wish to be resuscitated then he could be left suffering alone in great pain in his last few minutes. The Liverpool Care Pathway suggests that the role of the nurse in the last few days of life shifts to a holistic approach of care to promote comfort and moves away from the idea of active care which includes any invasive or unnecessary procedures that could be avoided (REFERENCE). The Gold Standards Framework provides an holistic assessment plan to aid communication between the nurse and the patient, including how physical, emotional, social, spiritual and communicational needs came be met (Thomas, 2009) The nurse stated that medications can be arranged for end of life care to alleviate any pain and suffering. Discuss syringe drivers, end of life medication and controversy During the final stages of life a natural physiological process causes the swallowing reflex not to work and so the use of oral medication is limited (Thorns Gerrard, 2003). A common palliative care practice is to use a syringe driver to administer drugs (ODoherty et al, 2001), which allows comfortable parenteral treatment of pain, nausea and breathlessness (GrassbyHutchings, 1997). In most circumstances this form of medication administration comes without controversy (Woods, 2004), however, the double effect of sedatives and opiates will reduce anxiety and pain but have also been claimed to supress respiratory function, which has the potential to speed up the dying process (BNF, 2007). The most important aspect of this double effect is that it is permissible so long as death is not intended and is occurs as a byproduct of an intention carried out for the patients best interests (Fohr, 1998). Furthermore, it has been stated that there is a lack of empirical evidence to support this claim (Kaldjian et al, 2004) and research has suggested that repiratory depression does not occur with patients receiving opiods for pain in end of life treatment (Walsh, 1982). The role of the nurse is, therefore to allow the patient to die peacefully. However, health professionals are accountable for their actions and must be able to provide justifications if any problems arise (Dimond, 2004) An assessment using the Abbey pain scale(INCLUDE MORE DETAILS) was carried out to analyse levels of pain experienced by Mr Smith and the appropriate drugs were administered via the syringe driver. Mr Smith continued to deteriorate and died peacefully with his favourite classical music on, his daughter holding his hand and a picture of his wife by his bed. She also clarified that the advanced decision he would have made was only concerned with CPR and did not have to decline all treatment just because he declined one. The nurse asked him if it was clear the end was near what the staff and his family could do to help his transition into death. Mr Smith stated he did not want to be alone and wished to have his family with him to reassure him and comfort him in his last moments. The point of this discussion was not to overrule Mr Smiths advanced decision but to confirm its applicability and validity to his current circumstances. Details of these discussions were recorded in his care plan records in line with relevant policies (REFERENCE) WHAT WAS GOOD/ BAD ABOUT EXPERIENCE? GOOD THAT IT WAS REALISED BEFORE IT WAS TOO LATE BAD COMMUNICATION Analysis what sense can you make of the situation On reflection of the situation the complexities of the tensions between the rights of the patient and the role of the nurse become alarmingly apparent. Nurses are expected to use evidence based knowledge to inform their practice centred on the NMC professional code of conduct. This practice can often involve moral dilemmas on life and death matters for which the nurse can be held professionally accountable. The nurses role is ever more challenging when the patient is entitled to make their own decisions, often deemed unwise or not in their best interests. This reflection informs my practice as it highlights the importance of not only allowing the patient to make an informed decision based on knowledge and evidence but also to explore their feelings behind the decision to be made. In this case it wasnt that Mr Smith wanted CPR in the event of a cardiac arrest because he felt like it was the best option and would extend his life or the quality of it but because he was scared of dying a nd unsure of what would happen. As the nurse discussed his fears and anxieties and suggested ways in which these could be dealt with Mr Smith agreed that a DNR order would be the most effective way to ensure a peaceful and dignified death without prolonging any pain or suffering for him or his family. This experience has taught me that each situation is unique and there can never be any absolute right or wrong in nursing. Patients well-being depends on many factors including anxiety or unmet physical or emotional needs (Dewing, 2002). Communication with patients, their relatives or an advocate is of utmost importance when identifying individual needs as well as understanding the rationale behind decision making. Furthermore, communication between the multidisplinary team is imperative in order to promote best practice (Bridges and Wilkinson, 2011). The insight I have gained from this experience will inform my future practice to understand the feelings and attitudes behind the patients actions and behaviours. Conclusion what else could you have done Action plan, if it rose again what would you do Discussion General Medical Council. (2008). patient and doctor making decisions together. Available: Last accessed 23 April 2011. Abbey Pain Scale Abbey, J; De Bellis, A; Piller, N; Esterman, A; Giles, L; Parker, D and Lowcay, B. Funded by the JH JD Gunn Medical Research Foundation 1998-2002. 10. Bedell SE, Pelle D, Maher PL, et al. Do-not-resuscitate orders for critically ill patients in the hospital. 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Monday, August 19, 2019
Free Essays - Doctor Eckleburg of The Great Gatsby :: Great Gatsby Essays
Doctor Eckleburg of The Great Gatsby Reading through the novel The Great Gatsby, it becomes evident that Dr. Eckelberg symbolizes God and oversees events that occur. The characters in the novel refer to "the eyes of Dr. Eckelberg" often. Doctor T.J. Eckleburg symbolizes three things. He symbolizes the corruption of society; his eyes represent the eyes of an omnipotent God, and he implies carelessness and mistreatment. "The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic-their retinas are one yard high. They look out of no face but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a nonexistent nose." This is a quote from Nick Carraway, the central figure of the story and the voice of Jay Gatsby. Dr. Eckelburg is introduced at this point. He takes on an image of a human figure, which he is characterized as at many times throughout the novel, and that of a Godlike figure. Doctor Eckleburg's eyes were referred to once again by Nick when he was driving in his car with Tom, Gatsby, and Daisy on a trip to New York City. "We were all irritable now with the fading ale and, aware of it, we drove for a while in silence. Then as Doctor T. J. Eckleburg's faded eyes came into sight down the road I remembered Gatsby's caution about gasoline." On the way to New York they remember that they need to refuel gasoline. It is at the gas station that it is learned that Wilson plans on moving his wife Myrtle out west due to the fact that he discovers Myrtles disloyalty. Nick senses an infidelity between Daisy and Tom Buchanan also. On the trip back from New York Gatsby and Daisy are driving together, and they accidentally run into Daisy. Tom suspects that Gatsby was the one that was driving; however it was really Daisy. The quote used to describe Dr. Eckelburg's eyes was an example of the symbolism of carelessness and corruption of society. Mr. Wilson is the only person that associates Dr. T.J. Eckleburg with God. "Standing behind him Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T.J.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
College Admissions Essay: My Days as a Gardener :: College Admissions Essays
My Days as a Gardener  'Mom, how do you make a garden?'  'You plant seeds. You can buy them at the nursery.'  'Can I plant a garden?'  Now this is the kind of question a mother wants to hear from her children. Not 'Can I play on the interstate?' or 'If I eat this will I die?' Something, instead, wholesome and good. An activity that not only teaches, but puts fresh produce on her table.  It was decided, then, that planting a garden would be my summer project. My mother and I planned for it to be located behind our garage, in a sunny area of our otherwise shady backyard. With my mom's help, I planted an assortment of vegetables: tomatoes, onions, potatoes ('A potato is a tuber.' 'It's a what?'), and green beans.  I later understood that gardening is generally associated with a life of leisure, with relaxation. For me, it was a competition. I'd ask my seedlings, 'Who's growing the fastest?' 'Who's the tallest?' Fearing bad karma, I tried to stay impartial, lest a subconscious preference for green beans would cause me to water them more often, while dumping bleach on the onions. Every night I'd give my parents an update on rates of growth, any signs of produce, and my never-realized irrigation plans.  One day my mother told me that some of the tomatoes were ready to be picked. We went out back, snagged a few of the plumper offerings, and that evening had salads.  Every other bite earned an accolade. 'Mmm. These tomatoes really are delicious.' 'There's just nothing like fresh tomatoes. Mmm.' 'I think we can quit saving for his college; he's a natural migrant worker.' Whatever that meant, it sounded promising. I told my family that they needn't worry: the garden was in full-swing, and that meant more fresh produce was on the way.   About a week later a tornado razed a better part of North Houston. It brought rain. It brought hail. It upended cars; it flooded houses. And in its trail it left fallen branches and trees, and removed, in whole, one tiny tomato-onion-potato-and-green-bean garden located behind my garage.
A Separate Peace :: essays research papers
Difference Too Often Leads to Hate      Many times in the world, differences have lead to hate. Think of Martin Luther King, for example, who stood for fighting against one of the largest differences. A Separate Peace, by John Knowles, is one of many examples of differences leading to hate. Gene and Finny, who somehow managed to become friends, have completely different views of each other. Finny wanted to be friends with Gene, but had trouble facing the reality that Gene felt differently. Gene became jealous over Finny’s difference to himself. Difference has led to hate, once more, and pain has again resulted, first mentally and emotionally, then finally physically.      Knowles creates Gene as one who always is strictly trying to comply with the rules and regulations, always obeying his superiors; completely different then that of Finny’s personality. â€Å"Over your head? Pink! It makes you look like a fairy!†(909). Considering such, he envies Finny, because Finny can ‘get away with murder’ if he wanted to, and can stay out of trouble doing so. â€Å"Phineas could get away with anything. I couldn’t help envying him†¦a little†(909). Knowles shows how much jealousy Gene had over Finny’ s ability to stay out of trouble, no matter what he did. â€Å"This time he wasn’t going to get away with it.†(909). He would rather be in accordance to the rules and be on his best behavior, than to be a rebel who goes against everything. Finny, on the other hand was more of a rebel. â€Å"I wonder what would happen if I looked like a fairy to everyone.†(909). Finny, more of a rebel, is very outgoing; he, however shows himself off as a perfect individual. One day at Devon, he gets into small dispute because he wore the school tie as a belt. This he frees himself from quickly, explaining, â€Å"It goes with the shirt and it all ties together†¦with what we’ve been talking about, this bombing in Central Europe.†(910). Complying with not only Devon’s rules and regulations, but also the standards of formal conduct, Gene has a strong instinct to follow order, guided by careful thought, which Knowles has implanted in him, throughout the text. Gene is a person who thinks before he acts. â€Å"What was I doing up here anyway? Why did I let Finny talk me into stupid things like this?†(906). He is an individualist with distinct and well-thought characteristics.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Washington Mutual Bank: Case for Consumer Rights
McKell v. Washington Mutual Bank (2006) is a case for consumer rights highlighting the prerogative of the consumers to ‘buy at the right price.’ In this case, the consumers were not buying goods and services. Rather, the market consisted of real property; and one of the stakeholders – Washington Mutual, Inc. – was overstating the prices of â€Å"underwriting, tax services, and wire transfer fees in conjunction with home loans.†[1] Washington Mutual Bank had overcharged the buyers for these services – alleged the plaintiffs (few of the buyers) – when the actual prices that the bank had paid to service providers for the self same services were less. The defendants (Washington Mutual) were simply making a profit on the services they had bought off different providers and selling to other members of society that needed them at the time. Is this kind of profit making unlawful? – From the viewpoint of consumers, it may very well be unlawful, seeing that all consumers want to pay the ‘best prices.’ However, if the consumers were to stop using the services of Washington Mutual Bank, they would possibly have to visit various service providers for underwriting, tax services, and wire transfers, and still come to the defendants for home loans. In the integrative business of Washington Mutual, everything is taken care of. In view of this, it was decided by a trial court in California that the complaint made by the plaintiffs must be dismissed on the grounds that there had been no written agreement between the parties to state that Washington Mutual, Inc. cannot charge in excess of the prices that it pays to the service providers. The case went into appeal. It is going to continue being considered; in fact, the California Court of Appeal has agreed with a part of the plaintiff’s complaint and agreed to review this consumer case further.[2] The main reason why the McKell v. Washington Mutual Bank case has still not been shut is that consumers feel deceived when they are told that they are being charged simply the prices of the services bought, when in fact the sellers have overcharged. Although profit making is not considered illegal, in this case the consumers feel cheated because they had been informed by Washington Mutual that they were being charged the prices of certain services that cost a certain amount. As it turned out, the prices charged included a huge markup, while the consumers continued to believe that they were paying the ‘right prices.’ The plaintiffs failed to produce all necessary documents to support their allegations. Nevertheless, the fact that Washington Mutual had failed to mention to the consumers that a service fee was being added for the services in question – has landed the bank in hot water. Moreover, by charging a price that is higher than the market price, the bank is responsible for going against â€Å"Congress’s stated intent to protect consumers from unnecessarily high settlement charges.†[3] Indeed, this is the strongest argument to keep the McKell v. Washington Mutual case going in the near future. Washington Mutual Bank may be charged with near-monopolistic practices in the coming days, although it has not been determined whether the bank’s competitors are charging markups that are vastly dissimilar. Assuming that the competitors of the bank are charging much less than Washington Mutual, the justice system may very well decide that Washington Mutual must pay the legal charges of unfair competition. Seeing that both federal and state laws demur near-monopolistic practices, that is, charging prices that are much higher than those at the market equilibrium – the Californian courts may eventually end up with a strong hand protecting the interests of the consumer and charging Washington Mutual Bank much more than it charged its consumers through allegedly â€Å"unfair†practices.[4] Works Cited McKell v. Washington Mutual: IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SECOND APPELLATE COURT, DIVISION ONE. 2006. 4 June 2007. . McKell v. Washington Mutual-Class Action Defense Cases: Defense Motion To Dismiss Class Action Improperly Granted As To Breach of Contract And UCL Claims Based On Federal RESPA Violations California Court Holds. Class Action Defense Blog. 2007. 4 June 2007 . [1] â€Å"McKell v. Washington Mutual-Class Action Defense Cases: Defense Motion To Dismiss Class Action Improperly Granted As To Breach of Contract And UCL Claims Based On Federal RESPA Violations California Court Holds,†Class Action Defense Blog, 2007, 4 June 2007 . [2] â€Å"McKell v. Washington Mutual: IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SECOND APPELLATE COURT, DIVISION ONE,†2006, 4 June 2007, . [3] â€Å"McKell v. Washington Mutual-Class Action Defense Cases.†[4] Ibid.
Friday, August 16, 2019
A Study On Public Transportation Problems Among Students
Teenage. Based on Wisped, public transport means a shared passenger transport service which is available for use by the general public, as distinct from modes such as taxicab, carpooling or hired buses which are not shared by strangers without private arrangement. Most public transport runs to a scheduled timetable with the most frequent services running to a headway. Share taxis offer on-demand services in many parts of the world, and some services will wait until the vehicle is full before it starts. Partisans is sometimes used in areas of low-demand and for people who need a door-to-door service.We ill describe about the background information of our study that is public transportation problems among students in Amelia Teenage. Besides that we also discuss about the objective of our study and the questions that we researched about. These all are commonly surveyed about the topics like the factors, solutions and effects of public transportations problems. At the end of introduction part, there will be the definition of some important terms in our study. There are many colleges and university in Amelia Teenage. For example, Politick Amelia, CCITT Bandannas, I-ITEM Campus Band and Multimedia University.Public transport are usually used by students. Every year, thousands of students from different states come to Amelia to further their study. There is so many hostels provided by every colleges and university for their students. Some of hostels like Politick Amelia are situated far from the academic buildings and other facilities around the campus. This arise problems to those who did not own any transport. They had to walk more than 1 km daily due to far distance from student hostels to lecture buildings and other facilities around the campus.They also need to face unpredictable weather conditions. The hectic daily schedule made the students have to walk back and forth to different block for the entire day. We wanted to do this research to find out the problems of transportation faced by students and the solutions of the problem. PROBLEM STATEMENT. Public transportation is a shared passenger transport service which is available for use by the general public, as distinct from modes such as taxicab, train or hired buses which are not shared by strangers without private arrangement.Most public transport runs to a scheduled timetable with the most frequent services running to a headway. Public transport revises can be profit-driven by use of pay-by-the-distance fares or funded by government subsidies in which flat rate fares are charged to each passenger. This is the method used by the public transport system in the whole world. But in Malaysia, there is a state that is still not so strong public transport system, especially the developing state like Amelia. Amelia have several districts, we note that advanced districts such as Amelia Teenage and focus on student PIT.In Amelia Teenage, students PIT have a problem of public transport are slow i n their place, so this problem cause they often arrive late o class and doing the learning. It will also lead to decreased performance of their learning and will make trainers looked oblique to them. General Objective Identifying the public transportation problems among PIT students in Amelia Specific Objective Identifying the effects Of public transportations towards the students. Find out the solution to overcome the transportation problems.RESEARCH QUESTION 1) Why does the public transportation's problems effect the PIT students in Amelia Teenage? 2) What is the benefits of using public transportation instead of using their own transportation? ) What kind of solution that could overcome the transportation problems that are going through by the students? Research scope is investigating and finding out the outcome of the process and the methodology. The research scope can be limited by the number of partial pants. We are focusing on PIT students in Amelia Teenage such as Politick A melia, CCITT Bandannas and, U TEM Campus Band and Multimedia University.This is because there are many students that live outside the area Malice that may not bring their own transportation and so that causes many problems to them. We choose the students to be our participants in Business Research because we were having the problems too with the transportation and thus we want to finding out some suggestion to be brought forward. Limitations and Delimitation's:- The limitations or delimitation's are the inherent design or methodology parameters that could restrict the scope of the research findings and are out of the control of the researcher.These reservations, qualifications or weaknesses arise when all variables cannot be controlled within a project design or the optimum number of samples that cannot be taken due to time r budgetary constraints. Our limitations to finishing up the Business Research project is that we are busy with our classes and COUld not find time to meet the p articipants and doing our research regarding our topic. Contributions:- We hope we could come out with some suggestions in order to help the students like us overcome the kind of problems related with transportation.The overall objective of this report is to study the effects of transportation to students in Amelia center. Some research taken from other countries, but the intention is to understand the situation in the country, which would armorial be based on domestic investigations. Studies on transport and the drivers often informal and thus we get a conference report and consult a famous investigator and director of the research program in this field, but it is unlikely that the big picture related literature has found.In addition, although there are some population surveys that offer great insight into the issues at hand, some have become dated and increasingly concerned because there is a long-term and sometimes fast-changing trends in the use of public transport vehicles. Thi s trend ARQ rises forecasting techniques to determine a umber of issues for the next few decades, a dangerous and uncertain at best, and not a substitute for ongoing data collection to assess students.While the car which controls the use of transportation for most Americans, young and old, men and women, we have tried to review some of the literature that is less rapidly in other transport modes. Among the shed el provided here is from unpublished data authors', and who will be given special attention. The current literature is very limited especially with respect to radishes. The types of research that have been done have typically focused on transit. Most studies on radishes have focused on qualitative reporting or used fewer variables and therefore are limited in their scope.It is also not surprising that most transit agencies or radishes organizations have tended to rely on rules of thumb, intuition, or less technical methods for estimating fare elasticity. However, some of the most recent studies such as the Contesters and the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUT R) study in the Upset Sound area used employer data to estimate the impact of Panola fares and other factors to estimate mode shifts. This research study sakes off from this background by reconciling with the Linsang and Pam bus study as it applies to pompanos.It also makes advances by adding several regional observations including Arid. The goal of the study is to provide both disaggregated and aggregated measurements of fare elasticity of radishes. The stud's quantitative analysis was done by a multiple regression and logic model approach. Similarly, a qualitative analysis was done using the point elasticity approach. Public transport by bus is the mainstay of the transportation system in an economy(Garlic et al. 011 Although modes of ravel in most developed countries are increasingly dependent on the car (see Banister and Bergmann 2000), causing a down-ward trend in demand for transpo rt in most industrial economies, public transport busy remains an important mode of transportation. Bus transport services are provided by public, private or mixed corporations in a highly regulated environment. In addition, important constituents of the transport infrastructure are essentially (semi-)public goods.Therefore, there are economic reasons for a significant degree of gastrointestinal in this area, mainly based on the cognition of a variety of market fail-urges (e. G. , Kerosene 1996). Over the last two decades, serious concerns about postoperatively failures have resulted in a reassessment of the role of government in organizing this sector (Glassier et al. 1990). In view of these concerns, it is of great interest to investigate whether public transport operators work in a technically efficient manner (e. G. , achieve economic goals such as minimizing costs or maximizing output).An effective and solid measure of efficiency can make a significant contribution to the discu ssion of the relative merriest the supply of public and The other that, frontier methods have found private transport services. Their way into the transport sector, and studies on the productivity and efficiency of almost all transport modes are now available in the literature. A comprehensive study of parametric Andean-parametric frontier methods empirical findings for urban public transport has been published by De Berger et al. (2002). Our study presented below attempts to fill a gap in the available literature.While an overview of the pioneering studies on public transport operators has recently appeared (e. G. , von Hirsuteness and Calculations), thorough investigation of frontier methods and empirical results for public transport of the sass is not yet available. This paper is complementary to De Berger, with a different classification technique and study period. This last study is an overview of studies published during thesis. Moreover, it is an analysis of frontier studies. This paper research is based unworn published during the sass'.We use criteria to select, classify and analyses the studies in this research. In this paper, we use the classification scheme technique to study the papers selected. Thus, is the De Berger et al. (2002) has an influence on atelier studies of public transport efficiency. The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive literature review of public transport efficiency and describe the different adopted approaches and methods. Let also evaluates the contributions of frontier analysis as a way to understand performance of public transport.The rest of paper is organized as follows: the next section aims to define central concepts and details the methodologies of performance and technical efficaciousness. Section 3 deals with the methodological approach and discussion of research procedures of the literature. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. Research methodology is a way to find out the result of a given problem on a specific matter or problem that is also referred as research problem. Len Methodology, researcher uses different criteria for solving/searching the given research problem. Different sources use different type of methods for solving the problem. F we think about the word â€Å"Methodology†, it is the way of searching or solving the research problem and it's the process used to collect information and data for the purpose finking business decisions. The methodology may incompatibilities research, interviews, sinuses and other charitableness's, and could include both present and historical information. We are collecting two types of data known as: QUANTITATIVE DATA : is information about quantities that is information that can be measured and written down with number,Some examples of quantitative data are your height,your shoe size,and the length of fingernails.QUALITATIVE DATA : is information about qualities information that can't actually be measured, some example of qualitative data are the softens of skin,grace with which run,and the color of your eyes. However, try telling Photos you can't measure color with numbers. In our research we are use quantitative and qualitative research: Quantitative research contains word quantity something that can be counted. So quantitative research includes any research methods that produce hard numbers which can be turned into statistics.Quantitative research methods answer questions beginning with words like when,where,how many,and how often. Quantitative research methods including surveys and controlled experiments. The evidence gathered through these methods can then be used in mathematical models to identify trends,or predict future performance. Qualitative research can tell you when,where and how often things happen,qualitative research looks at the why and how-Qualitative research produces ,notes,and descriptions of behavior and motivation. Research methods in this category include: For this part, we get the information from the participants.They are the PIT students around of Amelia Teenage which are around 18-25 years old. The respondents were randomly selected from varies faculties and courses and grouped according to their years of study . About 100 of the respondents we are chose randomly. We agreed to use some methods for this part of study which is interview, observation and questionnaire. To identify the type of problems of transportation in Amelia Teenage that is faced by PIT students to attend class and to investigate the effects of public transportation among of PIT students in Amelia Teenage.
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